Taking Back Weeknights: Squash Noodles with Homemade Pesto

Happy Wednesday, all!

If you are at all like me, you start off the week with such good intentions of work-life balance, nightly yoga, and involved, instagrammable dinners, only to get sidetracked by late nights at the office or an out of control to do list. By the time Wednesday night arrives, there are lots of weeks where all I really feel like doing is ordering Chinese food and catching up on Scandal.

Anyone else know that feeling??

The Whole30 helped me to realize that I have an addiction to convenience foods – I’m not addicted to the foods themselves so much as the instant gratification and the not doing dishes. Fortunately for me, I live in a town where there are literally zero restaurants that will deliver. Less fortunately for me, I also live far far away from places like Whole Foods where there are healthy take out options.

I imagine I’m not alone in my weeknight dinner fatigue, so I wanted to share one of the 15 minute or less recipes that is helping me Take Back Weeknights this week. Combine this recipe with one of these quick workouts and you’ll be winning the weeknight game.

Pesto Squash

The Recipe: Squash Noodles and Homemade Pesto

What You’ll Need:

  • A spiralizer (although, this would still be delicious if you just thinly sliced the squash and sauteed it instead of spiralizing). I have a cheap spiralizer like this one that I found at TJ Maxx and bought on a veggie-inspired shopping binge. It works great for squash but doesn’t work with sweet potatoes, so if you are hoping to use the spiralizer for denser veggies, get a stand spiralizer like one of these.
  • 1 zucchini or yellow summer squash per person
  • 1-2 TBSP of Olive Oil for sauteing
  • 1 bunch of fresh herbs: you can use basil, cilantro, parsley or mint. Basil is most common, but I just cut bunches of everything in my herb garden. 2 cups ish total.
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil
  • 1/4 cup of walnuts, pecans or pine nuts
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • lemon juice, sea salt and black pepper to taste
  • optional: nutritional yeast to taste (it takes the place of the traditional cheeses)

What to Do:

  • In a food processor or blender, pulse nuts, garlic and herbs
  • Add in the oil slowly and blend until smooth
  • Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste (pesto is all about finding the balance that you prefer, so taste lots and don’t hesitate to go outside of the recommended ingredient amounts if that is what your taste buds call for)
  • Once you are satisfied with the flavor balance, heat a TBSP or olive oil in a wok or a frying pan and spiralize (or slice) your squash straight into the pan. Season with a little salt and pepper, and let the squash cook through long enough that it isn’t raw, but still holds its texture (timing will depend on how you cut your squash).
  • Toss in some pesto (and possibly some nutritional yeast and fresh basil leaves) and devour.

The Workout Roundup: Choose Your Own Adventure Style

  • Option 1: Grab your running clothes and your favorite furry friend and go for a run or a walk. I love to run at night (the stars are out! It is cooler and quieter!) with one of my dogs – they love the exercise and are super alert jogging companions #safetyfirst. Beginners, start with a brisk walk or snag this couch to 5K app (and no shame if week 1 turns into month 1 – listen to your body and your doctor, not the schedule on the app!). Everyone: track your outing on MapMyRun and keep pace with the beats in an awesome Songza playlist. Bonus points: throw in some lunges and squats whenever your pup stops to sniff.
  • Option 2: Sign up for a free trial of an online fitness studio. I love Yogaglo (first 15 days are free): they have dozens of online classes from many different styles and for all different body types and experience levels. I also think Daily Burn is a great, affordable, basic option because they offer several different series aimed at different fitness goals and experience levels. If you are just starting out, consider the True Beginner series or their solid yoga series.
  • Option 3: If you are looking for a fun, fast and potentially butt-kicking workout, check out Greatist’s list of 21 Free Workout Videos on Youtube. These aren’t necessarily for every body, but they are guaranteed to get the endorphins flowing quickly. Also, the Greatist Workout of the Day is a great place to go for quick but challenging, do-anywhere workouts.

Yours in Taking Back Weeknights,
